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RF 4

RF 4

RF4, a retention tool, is a one of its kind research based tool developed through a ground breaking primary research across 10 industries in India. We researched what specific competencies (behaviors in specific) of the frontline supervisors lead to subordinates' work engagement, performance and retention. After a detailed country wide quantitative and qualitative research, we arrived at 4 competencies/ ‘Retention Factors' (RF4). 

RF4 can be used to assess managers on these 4 competencies. Once the ‘as is’ and ‘go to’ states are understood, we can then help managers develop capabilities in these areas.

The tool works towards strengthening the weakest link in the engagement retention equation – The Manager-Subordinate relationship.

Talent Management Framework

RF4 supports:

  • Frontline leadership talent assessment - Allowing you to make better selection or promotion decisions for the First Line Managers (critical to engagement)
  • Capability development of Frontline Leaders - Based on identified areas of skill/competency development (infusing the right skills at the right stage) & also coaching of front line leaders to be better managers (to retain your talent)
  • Potential Frontline manager selection – Uses a battery of tests to identify the potential frontline managers

RF4 has Selection-Assessment-Development modules.


It helps in selecting managers, by evaluating them on the competencies. Evalution is done using multiple tools likes:

  • Situation-judgement Tests
  • Competency-based interviewing
  • Role Play etc.


It's a 180 Degree online application which helps assess manager's behavior, by:

  • Rating the manager on RF4 competencies using "A Little ....A Great Deal" scale
  • Prioritizing the behaviors
  • Sharing specific & actionable advice


Basis gap analysis, customized module for each competency cluster, and training through 70:20:10 principle

  • Group Development modules for competencies
  • Individual projects, on-the-job application of learning
  • 90-Days review

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